How to add import statements to routes?

While using Play Framework you have to describe all your endpoints in conf/routes file:

# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~

GET     /api/v1/people              controllers.PeopleController.add()
GET     /api/v1/people/:personId    controllers.PeopleController.get(personId: java.util.UUID)
POST    /api/v1/people              controllers.PeopleController.create()

So, our mission is to bring java.util.UUID into scope of routes file.

The solution is to edit a bit out build.sbt file:

import play.sbt.routes.RoutesKeys

RoutesKeys.routesImport += "java.util.UUID"

As you may know, routes file is compiled by Play Framework sbt plugin into byte code and looks similar to the following:


// @LINE:5
private[this] lazy val com_github_abrasha_v1_controller_PeopleController_route0_route = Route("POST",
    PathPattern(List(StaticPart(this.prefix), StaticPart(this.defaultPrefix), StaticPart("api/v1/people")))
private[this] lazy val com_github_abrasha_v1_controller_PeopleController_route0_route_invoker = createInvoker(
    this.prefix + """api/v1/people""",

Yeah, a bit horrible, but really important thing is that there is a desired import statement:


It means that we can simplify a bit our routes file:

GET     /api/v1/people              controllers.PeopleController.add()
GET     /api/v1/people/:personId    controllers.PeopleController.get(personId: UUID)
POST    /api/v1/people              controllers.PeopleController.create()