Groovy strings
Why Groovy strings are so awesome?
At first, let’s see which types of string are there in Groovy.
The first type is a plains string. It is a literal surrounded with single quote.
For example:
> John
Nothing special about it. Just a boring Java string.
But the power is actually in Groovy string, a.k.a. GString. It is a literal that is surrounded with double quotes.
Let’s start from an example.
def name = 'John'
println "Hello, $name"
> Hello, John
We can avoid concatenation like "Hello, " + name
in code thankfully to the GStrings.
With such syntax you can substitute not only variable values but also whole expressions:
def name = 'John'
println "Hello, ${name.toUpperCase()}"
> Hello, John
> 2 * 2 = 4
Be sure that you put curly braces around the expression. Because if you want, you will get result like:
def name = 'John'
println "Hello, $name.toUpperCase()"
> Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: toUpperCase for class: java.lang.String groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: toUpperCase for class: java.lang.String
For escaping special symbols is GStrings you can put \
characher before them:
println "Result of \${20 + 5} = ${20 + 5}"
> Result of ${20 + 5} = 25
The third type of string in Groovy is triple single quoted string.
It is also called multi-line string. Its purpose is to store multi-line strings without putting new line characters (\n
An example:
def message = '''Hello team,
have a nice day!
Kind regards,
println message
> Hello team,
> have a nice day!
> Kind regards,
> Mike
If you need to escape new line symbol just put backslash (\
) in the end of line:
def message = '''Should be in \
the same line'''
println message
> Should be in the same line
There are some useful methods injected into strings in Groovy. Thankfully to them, it is so easy to use Groovy as a a scripting language.
def process = 'ls -la'.execute()
println process.text
> total 20
> drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 28 00:13 .
> drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 Jan 27 23:26 ..
> -rw-r–r– 1 user user 54 Jan 28 00:12 Example.groovy